
mardi 1 mars 2011

Debug tip for ASP.NET MVC 3 in mobile context

For manage Mobile page, I'm inspired from this excellent post "A Better ASP.NET MVC Mobile Device Capabilities ViewEngine" by Scott Hanselmann
But, when I want inspect some html parts or if I want trace a javascript behavior, I want and I prefer use Firefox and FireBug.
So, I create a fake mobile engine which use Firefoxe+firebug

First, I have added my new engine in globlal.asax.cs 
In "Global.asax.cs" (full source here)
protected void Application_Start()
  AjaxHelper.GlobalizationScriptPath =

  // Add the auto mobile detection & redirection
// Just use it for debug JS in firebug & inspect HTML
  // Std engine
  ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RazorViewEngine());} 

Second, I had in my custom mobile engine my new "Firefox+firebug" fake mobile engine

in CustomMobileViewEngine cs (full source here)

public static class MobileHelpers
    //Add firefox + firebug for help to debug
    public static void AddFireBug(this ViewEngineCollection ves) 
                  where T : IViewEngine, new()
        ves.Add(new CustomMobileViewEngine(c =>
                c.UserAgentContains("firefox"), "Mobile",
                new T()));
You could do the same thing with "F12" on IE if you are used it.

1 commentaire:

  1. this doesnt work, if you visit the site with a full blown browser first, the view will stick...
